Jody ZellenPhoto News2020Video18 minutes

Jody Zellen

Photo News



18 minutes

Statement on Work:

Photo News is a film created from a daily Instagram project (photonews5). From Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2019,  a digital photo-collage was created by reshooting a photograph and its accompanying headline from that days print newspaper and posting it to Instagram. The entire headline serves as the Instagram caption, while the collage has only a fragment of that text. Though referencing actual events, these images can be read as poetic fragments, that embrace ambiguity while simultaneously allude to world news. These images were later sequenced into a video that cycles through each image at 3 seconds per image. A score composed by David Scheffler enhances the images adding a haunting and enigmatic aura to the work. The haunting landscapes resonate with respect to today's isolation and empty cities.
