Grace Lynne Haynes
Gouache, pastel, collage on paper
27 x 40 inches
My works consists of composed paintings containing bright textures and patterns. These intricate moments are juxtaposed against flat, black swaths of paint shaped to represent black female bodies. I strive to lead the viewer to question the very nature of color and how historically symbolic meanings surrounding colors and shades, especially black, are constructed. In my work, black appears aspirational, dignified, and sublime. The result is a network of images addressing complex topics and stereotypes surrounding black femininity. My paintings portrays tender moments as women lounge in a glorious environment with painted patterns against washed of color. I chose the piece "Redeemed" because it addresses a history of female nudes by showcasing the Black body in the reclining position. It also addresses material culture by incorporating various elements of collage, in conjunction with pastel and gouache. Parts of the figure are sourced in from various textured papers such as alligator scales and tiger stripes, revealing the animalistic nature of sexuality as well as stereotypes that have burdened Black women. This piece highlights my most recent body of work and most accurately represents my thesis.