Raphaele Cohen-Bacry Man of Steel, 2020 Collage on paper  10x13 inches

Raphaele Cohen-Bacry
Man of Steel, 2020
Collage on paper
10x13 inches

Artist statement:
Three years ago I stopped using paint brushes in an effort to break patterns and discovered other means to work. The natural evolution of this research brought me to collage, an old practice that I always felt was underused. I approach collages in an innovative way, by using pictures of artworks from auction magazines. I tear and assemble images of famous art to create new images of my own. I also use large pieces of wall paper on my bigger pieces. This is my way of re-purposing material and paying tribute to artists that came before me. 

Raphaele Cohen-Bacry

Raphaele Cohen-Bacry Ghost Forest, 2019 Collage, paper and clay inlays  10x12 inches

Raphaele Cohen-Bacry
Ghost Forest,
Collage, paper and clay inlays
10x12 inches

Raphaele Cohen-Bacry The Inner Fern, 2020 Collage on paper  9x12 inches

Raphaele Cohen-Bacry
The Inner Fern, 2020
Collage on paper
9x12 inches

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