Robby Herbst, Untitled (New Pyramids For The Capitalist System 2)
baker’s dozen v: A Marginal Revolution
June 15th - August 10th, 2013
Concerning activism, the 99%, Occupy, Anonymous, Wikileaks and other manifestations of the political…
Baker's Dozen is intended to act as a review of sorts. It is a survey of thirteen artists whose work made an impression upon the curators in the last year. These thirteen reflect current directions in Southern Californian contemporary art practices, gleaned from the materials and themes they engage in. Of course to some degree, the selections within this exhibition reflect our own preconceptions and biases but we believe that on a deeper level this exhibition locates in important nexuses of artistic endeavor at this moment in history.
Participating artists: Richard Ankrom , Christy Roberts Berkowitz, Sandow Birk and Elyse Pignolet, Clayton Campbell, Martin Gantman , Robbie Herbst, Olga Koumoundouros, Elana Mann, Owen Driggs , Chad Person , Linda Pollack, Vincent Ramos and Stephen Lapthisophon, Gavin Turk